Practical Training

The Practical Training work group helps to ensure and enhance the quality of the practical training at the UAS Faculties of Social Work. It develops practical training standards as orientation aids for the UASs and practice-based organisations. It also works on topics and issues of central importance to this field, and guarantees an exchange of information on current developments and challenges among heads of departments.
Practical training is a constitutive element of the Bachelor’s programme in Social Work. It is conceptually, structurally and organisationally integrated into the programme.


Flurina Meisen Zannol
OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Stephan KöselFHNW – Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Esther BussmannZHAW – Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Zürich
Annette DietrichHSLU – Hochschule Luzern
Caroline PulverBFH – Berner Fachhochschule
Fabien MoulinHES-SO – Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
Claudia RothFHNW – Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Paola SolcàSUPSI – Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana